Beyond the Blame

After weeks of fruitless political rhetoric, the destruction continues in both Lebanon and Israel. In the end it is families who are left hurt, hungry, and homeless. News media report that over 700,000 refugees have abandoned the south of Lebanon, and up to a million have left the northern parts of Israel. Alliance churches in both countries (and in neighboring Syria) have opened their doors to provide aid to needy refugees.
In Lebanon, five Alliance churches have given assistance to more than 31,000 people. Alliance churches in Syria are helping where they can. And Alliance Hebrew congregations and Arab churches in Israel have opened their doors to assist people fleeing from the north.
Alliance leaders say that who’s right and who’s wrong doesn’t fit into neat categories in the Middle East. We see that our brothers and sisters there are honoring the Lord Jesus Christ by obeying Him in order to be sources of light in a time of darkness in their countries. Prayer is our first resource. May we all pray for peace as well as the physical and spiritual well-being of believers.


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