A Changed Destination

By Don and Hazel Schaeffer, serving in Japan

We asked the Alliance family to pray for two mothers of women in our church, who were diagnosed with cancer about the same time last fall. Recently, God did a work in both of their lives. On the same day, both mothers experienced healing-one physical and the other spiritual.

When one mom went for her chemo treatment, the doctor said, “You are healed!” He had never said those words to anyone, but the cancer was gone. She had been given only six months to live. Pray that she will give her heart to the Lord. She knows that Christians prayed for her.

A Life-Changing Visit

The other mom had inoperable cancer and had been in the hospital for 10 months. In July she was allowed to visit her daughter’s home for a few days. Her daughter called us, and we went over to the house to visit. Don shared from a booklet about Jesus knocking at the door of our hearts. He then left the booklet with her.

The daughter laughed and said her mom never read, but after we left, she began to read the book. When her daughter visited her at the hospital two weeks ago, the dying woman prayed to receive Christ.

Just a few days later, her daughter called to say her mom wasn’t responding and asked if we would go to the hospital. When we entered her hospital room, we knew she didn’t have much time left on this earth. She hadn’t responded to anything all day.

Don approached her bedside and prayed. I also stood near her and talked to her. I told her how wonderful it was to have met her and to have had a chance to talk just a little while before. And she responded. She raised her hand! We were all shocked, but she was letting us know that she had made a decision as a result of that visit, a decision that changed her destination!

Answered Prayers

We made several visits to her house where her body was kept [before the funeral]. And on the futon right by her head, her daughter had placed the booklet that God had used [to draw her to Him]. Her mom had underlined several prayers and passages. She had folded pages. At the funeral last week, the church family did a wonderful job ministering to the daughter’s family and unsaved friends. We praise God for answering prayer and for saving Mrs. Sano.

Learn More

Check out our Alliance work in Japan.

What You Can Do

Praise God for the physical and spiritual healing He did in the lives of these two women. Pray for the salvation of all those with whom Don and Hazel Schaeffer come in contact.

Donate now to Alliance Great Commission Ministries to ensure that our worldwide team of workers, including Don and Hazel, can continue to faithfully serve the Lord.


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