Rain and More Rain

rainfallBy Kandi Lay, serving in Cambodia

For families in Poipet, rainy season brings flooding. Heavy rains and the managed release of water from a dam in Thailand force some people to move to the second floor of their homes. They ride a raft to and from their house, climbing in and out of the upstairs window.

Pray for those who suffer from the effects of flooding. In addition, pray for good health and safety (the water isn’t clean).

Meanwhile, the Cambodian holiday Pchum Bun also has started. Cambodians believe that relatives who died are released from hell during these weeks. It is the family’s duty, even during flooding, to visit various Buddhist temples and leave food for their departed relatives so the dead don’t curse them.

Christians face a lot of pressure from family to participate in worshiping and appeasing their ancestors. Pray that Cambodian Christians will stand firm in their faith and be bold witnesses to their families.

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 Learn More

Read another story about severe flooding in Cambodia.


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