Twenty-four Teams Participate in the Alliance International Bible Quiz Finals

This year’s Bible quizzing finals took place in Alberta, Canada, at Alliance University College and at Nazarene University, July 7–11. Twenty-four teams from the United States and Canada participated in the event with the Canadian Midwest District Team 2 winning the championship. U.S. quiz teams took second and third places: the Northeastern District took second and the Ohio Valley District team took third place.
Griffin Klemeck from the Western Pennsylvania District was the top quizzer, and youth from eight other U.S. districts placed in the Top Ten list:
1. Griffin Klemech (Western PA 1)
2. Daniel Pandolph (South Atlantic)
3. Tiffany Odell (Western PA 1)
4. Jeremy Ellis (Pacific Northwest-now Alliance Northwest)
5. Jessica Sanderson (Eastern Canada)
6. Diane Haddad (Ohio Valley)
7. Andrew Gjefle (Pacific Northwest)
8. Shea Durston (Canadian MW 2)
9. Andrea Needham (Northwestern-now North Central District)
10. Nathan Oberholtzer (Western Great Lakes)


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