Hope Beyond the Storm

It has been more than a year since a powerful earthquake and subsequent tsunami drastically changed the lives of thousands of people in Southeast Asia. In the wake of this tragedy The Alliance provided practical help to many who lost family members and all their earthly possessions. Before the tsunami, it would have been impossible for our workers to enter certain areas, let alone carry out acts of compassion in these regions. The tsunami changed much in these formerly closed communities.  
The coastal area that was hit is about 80 miles from the center of the earthquake and was one of the first regions to be completely devastated by the ensuing tsunami. Because many prayed and gave so others could faithfully work, lives have been rebuilt. God has done the impossible. Many friendships have been made with these receptive people, and bridges have been built into their communities. Families have taken our workers into their homes to feed and house them, and opportunities to talk about God have resulted. Pray that the seed sown will bear fruit in the lives of these dear people.  
Over the past year, the following has been accomplished: 
• Four wells have been drilled that provide clean water to the communities. 
• Twenty-eight fishing boats have been built or repaired, providing the fishermen with a source of income. 
• Sixty-three bicycles have been given to school children. Their schools have been rebuilt, and now they can continue their education. 
• Eighty-seven fish farms have be repaired, cleaned, and stocked, providing another source of food and income. 
• One ice plant has been built to supply ice to chill the fish during the fishermen’s long stay at sea. 
• Fifty cocoa gardens have been rebuilt, and the resulting crops can be exported for additional income. 
• Twenty-eight houses have been built.  
One family temporarily moved into a small thatched home in a remote village, where the family is helping residents to develop small, self-sustaining livelihood projects.  
Since the remains of many of those who perished have never been found, the survivors cling to any hope they can find that their loved ones are alive. One story is that ships rescued them as they were swept out to sea and brought them to other countries where they now reside. For many survivors, closure has not even begun. Pray for opportunities for our workers to share about the God who can bring healing to their brokenness.


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