God Still Works Miracles

Institutional Chaplain Don Mitchem 
Intensive CareNot too long ago I was doing patient visitation in one of our four Intensive Care areas. I intended to check on all of the patients, but I noticed one young woman kept following me with her eyes. When I finally came to her bed she said, “Chaplain, I need to get back on track with God.” She shared that she had been walking away from God for quite some time, and in the process, had gotten extremely depressed over some terrible things that she had allowed in her life. 
“Chaplain, I'm suicidal. That's the reason I'm here. I was unsuccessful in taking my own life. The hospital has placed me under a constant watch.” I looked up from the patient, only to see that a woman had taken a seat fairly near the patient's bed and was watching closely. Seeing my red and white badge that reads “Chaplain” she immediately got up and left us totally alone. 
This special patient was so very hungry for God's forgiveness and cleansing for the totally sinful wreck she had made of her life. I counseled her that the only way to God for that cleansing and forgiveness was through Jesus Christ. After explaining the Gospel to her, she was anxious to pray the sinner's prayer. 
The next time I saw Susan (not her real name) she looked so rested. She was truly basking in the peaceful rest of a soul that had been cleansed and forgiven, and now owned by The Lord. Susan was so grateful to be given a Bible and some discipleship instructions before being discharged from the hospital. I am following her with my prayers. I invite you to pray with me daily for Susan. Satan will surely be nipping at her heals. 
Yet another miracle I would share. One of my volunteer chaplains told me this story. “Chaplain Don, a number of years ago, I couldn't speak any English, only Spanish. “I was working at this hospital as a volunteer chaplain just like now. “One day I was given a certain patient to visit. I went to the patient's room, only to find a man who spoke only English.” 
“I thought that this patient's name was given to me by mistake. “I prayed, 'Lord, help me.' “The Lord prompted me to speak to the patient. “When I did, I spoke in perfect English! “Oh, Chaplain, the presence of the Lord was so very real! “I was even able to lead the patient to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. “After that, it seemed that I was able to learn English quite easily.” 
Ah, “Great and Marvelous are your works, oh, Lord.” God is still in the miracle working business! 


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