Prayerful Victories in Burkina

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).

“You are playing a crucial role in what God is doing here in Burkina Faso’s Kenedougou region,” an Alliance worker said recently.

“We face a spiritual battle, and because of this, it is not necessary for you to physically be here to wage war against the enemy. Your prayers are resulting in the victories we are seeing.” The worker shared a story that illustrates the importance of our continued prayers.

On January 19, she requested intercession on behalf of Nema, a believer who had been oppressed by spirits for about a week. The worker’s husband and coworker had prayed for Nema twice during the previous weekend. A local pastor and believers in the church had been praying and fasting as well.

Demons Flee

“She is completely out of control and the demons speaking through her are very stubborn and refusing to leave (although they are now saying that they will),” said the worker. “Please pray for her complete freedom, that Satan will be bound, and that those in contact with her will be protected from physical and spiritual harm.”

A week later, she shared good news with her fellow prayer warriors. “Praise the Lord for the progress in delivering Nema from evil spirits. She is now mostly ‘coherent,’ though she has experienced some head trauma from beating her head while possessed. Please pray for her physical recovery and that every last demon will leave and that she will find complete freedom in Jesus.”

“Thank you so much for praying,” the worker concluded. “It really is making a difference.”

What You Can Do

Praise the Lord for the many victories our Burkina Faso team is witnessing because of the power of prayer. Continue in urgent prayer for this important work.


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