
By Shelly Kragt, serving in Germany

“I feel like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff. I want to jump, but I’m scared,” Petra* said to me with tears and uncertainty. We were sitting at her kitchen table drinking tea about three years ago after I had once again had an opportunity to share the gospel with her.

I had known Petra for three years by that point. We had had many good times together, and I had won her trust as a friend. Because we had developed such a close friendship, my heart ached for her to share my faith, but I knew I couldn’t push her off that cliff. Just as I felt the Spirit of God was going to do it, her baby cried from the other room, and the moment was over.

Pedaling home on my bike later, I cried out to God for him to take my life and save hers. How long would I have to wait for her to take the step and fall into the arms of God who is waiting for her on the other side of her imaginary cliff?

God Erased

Petra grew up in East Germany. From Petra, as well as others whom I have gotten to know from the former communist sector of Germany, I learned that God was basically erased from society.  Evolution was so engrained in the minds of the students that to believe in creation was unheard of. Because no one talked about God, people from the East have little or no religious background. Another friend of mine said, she feels dumb when people start talking “Bible language” because she has absolutely no background or frame of reference. 

Sharing the gospel in a land where a knowledge of God was almost completely eradicated from the culture takes time. This is a place of sowing and sowing some more. Petra had a negative view of Christians, as do many others because of how the communist government portrayed them. Her mind and heart were not going to be changed overnight, but God continued wooing her to Himself.   

What Does God’s Love Look Like?

After getting to know East Germans, I realize that it isn’t my role to argue with them about topics such as evolution versus creation. What they need is someone to show them what it looks like to be loved by God and to talk in words they can understand about His saving grace. There is also an openness to read the Bible because they are curious. Unfortunately, they are open to all forms of religion that have flooded in since the Berlin Wall fell. Many of them, including Petra, are deceived by Eastern religious thought and horoscopes.

Other Side of the Mountain

A few days ago, I was sitting again in Petra’s apartment enjoying a cup of tea and her friendship, when the conversation turned once again to spiritual things. This time the cliff wasn’t threatening. The tears still came, but they were tears of joy as Petra took the leap of faith and landed safe and secure in the arms of almighty God-six long years after I first met her.  It was worth the wait!

*Name changed

Learn More

Read about other outreaches in Berlin, Germany.

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