Won By Joy

By Steve and Debbi Clouser, serving in Burkina Faso

Steve is the pastor of the Ouaga (short for Ouagadougou) 2000 Church; Debbi is the librarian at the International School of Ouagadougou and an educational consultant for The Alliance in West Africa. The following is an adapted excerpt from the Clousers’ recent update to their supporters.

Last week a young man, who is a follower of the dominant religion in Burkina, visited our church with his friend Gildas, who attends regularly. When it was time to introduce visitors, Gildas presented his friend like this: “This is Bob.* He’s an M., but he’s ready to put his faith in Jesus.”

This is not an uncommon occurrence in Burkina! Many Burkinabe are open to the gospel and surrendering their lives to Christ—often because they observe the joy and peace that they see in His followers. What a blessing it is to work in such a harvest field!

We are so grateful to each of you for your many messages of encouragement, your support of the Great Commission Fund, and especially for your prayers. Thank you for partnering with us!

*Name changed

What You Can Do

“Please intercede for the following,” say the Clousers.

*  “We are holding our first church committee retreat on February 12 to discuss and seek the Lord for the future of the Ouaga 2000 strategy and ministry; pray for unity and discernment.”

*  “Pray for Steve’s trip to Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, in March—for preparation of his messages   and an outpouring of God’s Spirit during the spiritual warfare conference he is leading.”

Give to the Great Commission Fund. In doing so, you partner with international workers, like the Clousers, to share the joy and peace of Christ with those who are desperate for hope.

Learn More

Read Steve Clouser’s “A Valentine Love Story,” to learn more about how the unity and love of believers is attracting the lost in Burkina to Christ. 

Check out our work in Burkina Faso.


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