Visions of Jesus

Living the Call

By Dr. Bob Fetherlin

Followers of Jesus living near a country with pitifully few Christians had a pressing sense of God directing them. They were to load Bibles into their car and drive across the border. They obeyed, not understanding why.

Nightfall brought an intense thunderstorm. Their car got stuck, so they prayed, wondering what to do. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the window. Startled and afraid, they rolled down the glass. A drenched man was standing there. “Did you bring the books?” he asked hopefully.

They invited him into the car and listened to his story. Three nights earlier, a man in blinding white had appeared to him in a dream. “I am the way, the truth and the life,” the shining figure beckoned. “Follow me.” The next morning the man and his two sons were amazed to discover they all had the same dream. “But we have no idea what following him means,” they lamented to one another.

The next night the man had another dream in which he was given instruction: “Go out on the road to the place I will show you and wait. I will bring to you there the book you need to follow Me.”

“I have been waiting at this spot almost two days, and you are the only car that has come by,” the man exclaimed. “Did you bring the book?” Overjoyed, the men in the car told him that the shining figure in his dream was Jesus. They explained the good news and then gave him the Bibles before heading home.

Today that man and his sons, along with several others from their town, are following Jesus. There is a growing, Christ-worshiping community there where the Book is read regularly.

On January 31, 2014, Bob Fetherlin will complete his distinguished era of service as vice president for International Ministries at the U.S. C&MA National Office in Colorado Springs, Colo.

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Read this and other articles in the December 2013 online edition of alife magazine.



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