Because You Gave . . . Thank You!

By Alan Kropp, director, Ishinomaki New Life Center

It has been nearly three years since the March 11, 2011, triple disaster decimated the northeast region of Japan. In response to this tragedy, The Alliance launched a community redevelopment and church-planting initiative—and the Ishinomaki New Life Center was birthed. Presently, we have three family units in the area.

On December 29, 2013, we launched our first Japanese service at the center. Several things made it an “atypical” worship gathering for Japan. The first was that eight people came. From a U.S. perspective, this number may not sound impressive. But from our context in Japan, where the average church size is in the mid-20s to low 30s, it is an amazing start. What I’ve heard from other missionaries is that usually the first service is just you and your family.

The second thing that made this service unusual is that four couples attended. Again, for Japan this is unheard of. At least 70 percent of the church in Japan is comprised of women. Christian families are few and far between, and it is not common for couples to attend a service together. The final aspect that made this service atypical is that all eight people who attended are not yet Christians. Did you get that?

Eight nonbelievers came to hear the Bible preached in their language and encountered worship of the one true God in a land where literally millions of deities are worshiped. For some, it was the very first time they had experienced a worship gathering centered on Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit is stirring in people’s hearts here. It is exhilarating to be part of the story God is writing in Ishinomaki. Because you made a Kingdom investment in the Great Commission Fund, you are part of the story, too! “Thank you” are two words we just can’t say often enough!

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