Believing for the Bolon

By Esther Schaeffer, serving in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

Alliance Bobo team members devote themselves to taking the good news to unreached people groups, such as the Bolon. “Recently, we have also seen many coming to Christ from two additional unreached groups in Burkina Faso,” the author reports.

image of a plant in the rocks“How can Jacob survive? He is too weak!” These words from the Old Testament prophet Amos (7:2b, NET) came to mind recently while we were visiting some new Bolon believers in the village of Cayan.

Tending, Watering

As I looked into their faces, I could tell that they were not used to hearing the Word of God and applying it to their lives. People who cannot read are at a huge disadvantage when it comes to maturing in faith.

As we prayed among a dozen or so women, I thought of a small plant in my backyard. It has sprung up among the rocks, but it will not survive if it isn’t tended to and watered.

“Please pray for me because I am doing bad things,” one woman whispered. This was the reassurance I needed—the Holy Spirit was at work bringing conviction, showing them the way in which to walk.

photo of women and children“Our Battle Is Not against Flesh and Blood”

“I am often taken by a spirit of anger, and it prevents me from going to church,” another woman said. Clearly, the battle to win the Bolon people is far from over—our enemy is fighting to keep them from growing in their faith.

“. . . yet not one true kernel will be lost” (Amos 9:9b, NLT). This is what we believe for the Bolon. Pastor Isaiah and his wife, Madelaine, have been assigned to this village full time. The Lord also has healed several villagers to reveal His power over the darkness in which they have been living.

“The time will come,” says the Lord, “when the grain and grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested” (Amos 9:13a, NLT). This is our hearts’ cry for the Bolon people.

What You Can Do


  • “Pray with us that the Bolon will be filled with the Holy Spirit, who guides us into all truth,” Esther adds. “Pray that this people group will stand up against superstitions and the enemy’s dark hold upon them. Pray also for our pastoral couple to remain faithful in preaching the Word of God in the village.”
  • Join the Alliance family in praying for our international workers in Burkina Faso and worldwide, who are working to fulfill the Great Commission—taking the good news to some of the most spiritually dark places on earth. Use the Weekly Alliance Prayer Requests to assist you.


  • Give to the Great Commission Fund (GCF) and support Alliance global team members, including Esther and the Bobo team, who are pushing back the darkness as they introduce lost people to the light of Jesus.
  • Give now

Learn More

  • Watch a video (1:53) about a Burkinabé village that has just received access to the good news. “This is what we’re about—seeing people who don’t yet know the name of Jesus becoming some of His most joyous worshipers,” says U.S. Alliance President, John Stumbo.
  • Check out Great Commission Sunday 2014. 


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