Steal Some Sand

Please understand that everything I am calling us to be and do can only be accomplished by complete dependence upon and participation with the Holy Spirit of God,” John Stumbo told the Council constituency Wednesday morning, as he began to unfold his vision for Alliance ministry to a world characterized by turmoil, sin, and despair.

Dr. Stumbo explained that our identity as a body is formed by the beliefs we live, the calling we share, and the relationships we are committed to. Based on these elements, the unique expression of our Alliance identity is a Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family, called to love, proclaim, reach, and launch. But, as he sternly yet lovingly admonished, it must all begin with love. “Any church that is not a loving church is not the church that Christ intends.”

"Everything I am calling us to be and do can only be accomplished by complete dependence upon and participation with the Holy Spirit of God."

Dr. Stumbo then read a letter from an international worker in Bosnia recounting how, over the years, local residents had stolen sand from dikes for their own building projects, resulting in catastrophic flooding. As this worker prayed for God to flood Bosnia with His love and blessing, she felt Him telling her to “steal sand” through acts of love that would breach barriers to the gospel.

“Alliance family: Steal some sand!” Dr. Stumbo boldly avowed.


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