Join your Alliance family to reach the $550,000 matching gift challenge!

Gifts to the Great Commission Day Offering are now eligible to be doubled up to $550,000, sending even more new workers to unreached peoples and sustaining those already present.


What is the Great Commission Day Offering?

The Great Commission Day Offering is one of the Alliance family’s key moments to send new workers and sustain those already active in the world’s hardest places. It’s about all of us joining in to complete the Great Commission—by giving, praying, and participating in what God has commanded us to do.

Sending has always been at the very heart of our movement.

As the Alliance family, we—senders and goers alike—share a mutual calling and zeal for the Great Commission.

God has answered our prayers and raised up new workers to take the gospel into the world’s hardest places—among people on the move, the overlooked, and those lacking gospel access. These workers are ready to go into the harvest field—will you give now. to send them?


Unless someone is sent…

Fumiko lives in a Japanese city of over 9.5 million people, but she could not be lonelier. Unseen amid the masses and bound by hopelessness and cultural expectations, she inwardly cries for the acceptance and love
only Jesus can provide.

Because she lives is such a hard place for the gospel to take root, Fumiko will not likely encounter the good news of Jesus in her lifetime—unless
someone is sent to her.


Will you send workers to the world’s hardest places?

When you give to the Great Commission Day Offering, you send new workers where they are most needed and sustain those already present. There is yet more work to be done among the 3.4 billion unreached people in the world’s
hardest places.

Give Now

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

—Luke 10:2

How to Host Your Own Great Commission Day Offering

Set a Date

Choose a day between April 1 and June 30 for your church to hold an offering. Gifts to the Great Commission Day Offering are eligible to be doubled up to $550,000 throughout the campaign. Let’s join together to meet this challenge by National Great Commission Day, May 30!

Download Resources

Once you’ve set a date for your church’s offering, download all the resources you’ll need to promote it below—including videos, printable bulletin inserts, email and social media graphics, PowerPoint slides, and more.

Promote Your Offering

Using the resources provided, promote the offering in the way that works best for your church by posting on social media or mentioning it in your church emails or weekly announcements.

Host Your Offering

Show the videos to your congregation, share your heart on the Great Commission and why you’re passionate about sending workers, and extend an invitation to give.


Regardless of whether your church holds an offering, we covet your prayers in support of Alliance workers—both those already on the field and those waiting to be sent. Pray that God’s Kingdom would come and will be done in our neighborhoods and the nations.

Will your church participate?

Let us know if your church will engage in the 2024 Great Commission Day Offering by submitting your RSVP.